All You Teachers....

Although I've been out of the poetry loop for a while, sometimes someone comes along that knocks my woolen slipper-socks right off!

Here's a poem for the profession by Taylor Mali. Thanks, Peg, for sending me to this poetman!

I (heart--big, big heart) my teacher friends. All of you. If I could paste a lovey-smiley face in here, I would. But I'm just too stupid on the computer.

And Amanda, even if you are busy, you should read this. It's for you. Love ya!

PS- For those who love language and want more, here's another lovely thing. Don't worry, it's on YouTube, but you can still read it.


Amanda said…
and our job is our heart and our heart is steeped heavily into these little ones we teach, teach....

Loved it. Thanks H~
Your sister

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